Premier Plus Banking

As a Premier Plus Customer, you'll receive the highest level of customer service, rewards, and benefits a bank can offer with an exclusive suite of financial solutions designed to meet your needs.

What You Need To Qualify

To qualify, you must meet one of the following criteria: be a DDS, physician, attorney, accountant, or PhD holder; have a household income of $175k or more; possess $350k in investable assets; or maintain a $500k aggregate loan balance at Extraco.

Account Features
  • Zero fees on Premier Plus Checking Account
  • Tiered Interest Rates: Receive Tiered rate on Extraco Checking balances:
    • 1.00% annual percentage yield on a daily balance up to $50,000*
  • Premier Plus MMA: You may qualify for our Premier MMA account, too! Check our rates and call your relationship banker.
  • Auto Loan Rate Reduction: Receive up to a .35% rate reduction on auto loans
  • Mortgage Loan Discounts: Receive a $1,000 lender credit when you get a mortgage loan^^
  • Exclusive Unsecured Line of Credit**
Premier Debit Card
Wealth & Trust Services

We offer families premier financial solutions to meet the increasing challenges associated with professional fiduciary services and sound portfolio management.^

Learn More

Important Disclosures and Information

  • Transfers to another account, or to a third party via any means are limited to 6 per statement cycle. A $5 fee will apply to each debit/check transactions exceeding the limitations with a maximum fee of $25 per month. This only applies to the Premier Plus Money Market account.
  • *.01% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on balances over $50k on Premier Plus accounts
  • **Unsecured LOC up to 2x gross monthly income with max of $100k, subject to credit approval, minimum loan rate floor of 4.50% Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
  • ^^Loan subject to credit approval
  • ^Securities are NOT FDIC or Government Agency insured, no bank guarantee, may lose value, not a bank deposit, subject to risk.